Jade Plant (friendship tree / lucky plant / money tree)

Jade plant is one of the most popular succulents.
Official name: Crassula Ovata
Origin: South Africa and Mozambique
The name "jade"  borrows from  the green-colored gem.

As the plant grows big, the green stem turns woody, which make it look like a mini-tree. Therefore, jade plants are often trained into a bonsai (盆栽). An example is shown below.

There are more than 1000 varieties of jade plants. Here I introduce some common ones.

True Jade

The one in the first picture is considered as "true" jade plant, which has shiny green oval-shaped leaves. If it is exposed to direct sunlight, the leaves will have red tips. (sunlight impact can be fined in another post https://succulents-minwei.blogspot.com/2017/09/planting-and-caring-cacti-succulents.html) It has small white or pink flowers.


Three colors:  white, green, and yellow, narrow color stripes. It has pink flowers.


Quite similar to tricolor, but the color stripes are broader.


 Yellowish leaves that grow close together, with red tips.


Reddish or purple leaves.

Blue Bird (Silver)

Large gray blue leaves with red tips.

Ripple Leaf

A hybrid with wavy edged leaves (not that meaty 😄).


Subdivided into 'hobbit' and 'gollum'. Yes, names are borrowed from Lord of the Rings. The ‘hobbit’ has curled yellowish-green, of course shorter leaves, and the ‘gollum’ has elongated leaves resembling Gollum’s fingers.

Note: all the pictures are from internet.


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